Vechit currently has the following shipping methods:
There are two options on Vechit for postage.
- The buyer/seller can use the shipping option provided by Vechit with Evri
- The buyer/seller can use their own preferred shipping method outside of Vechit and send the postage label to the seller
All users need to select which shipping carriers are suitable for them to use in the postage section. This can be done in the profile section of Vechit by going into settings > postage. Please enable for Evri.
Please note, having the parcel picked up from your home address may incur an extra cost than dropping the parcel to a parcel shop.
The seller must list the correct parcel weight so that the buyer selects the correct parcel option. The seller must select the shipping couriers they will use to post the parcel so that the buyer can select this from Vechit courier options.
The seller has 8 days to send the parcel. If the parcel is not sent within the 8 day period then the order will be cancelled. The seller will also be left an automatic 1 star review for “item not posted”.